Thursday, 20 April 2017 17:14

    Thinking about guide to good jam making

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    It will soon be time to think about jam making with summer fruit. My tips are from my 'Food for Keeps' course and will help you make perfect jam every time. Try making this delicious Fresh Apricot Jam.

    Wednesday, 13 March 2013 22:01

    Chakalaka (sunshine food and don't we need it?)

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    Chakalaka is a traditional South African recipe for a fiery tomato relish. You can eat it with almost anything and either hot or cold. It is thought to originate in Jo'burg and ask anyone for a recipe and you will never hear the same ingredients twice.  Baked beans are often added.  Try it and see!
    1 large onion, finely diced.
    6 large tomatoes, skinned and finely chopped
    2 green peppers, finely diced
    4 large carrots, peeled and grated
    2 tsp curry powder
    2 small hot chillies, finely diced
    a couple of splashes of peri peri sauce to taste
    pinch of salt
    150ml vegetable oil.


    Heat the oil in a pan then add the onions and green peppers. Fry until soft before adding the carrots, tomatoes and chillies.

    Mix thoroughly and allow the mixture to simmer gently for 1 minute (stirring occasionally). Towards the end of the cooking time use a broad spoon to squash the ingredients against the side of the pan so that the mixture becomes smooth.

    Add all the remaining ingredients and cook for a further 15 minutes.

    Saturday, 01 December 2012 15:19


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    I have run out of my Seville orange marmalade so have made myself a small batch of easy four fruit marmalade until the new seasons Sevilles arrive.

    I used clementines, limes, grapefruit and lemons for my Christmas special! Just subsitute what ever citrus fruit you fancy and use this recipe


    Monday, 01 October 2012 16:47

    Mulberry Jam

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    Yesterday I picked the last of the mulberry crop from the suffolkfoodie ancestral home.. The old mulberry tree blew over in the great storm of 1987 but being from a farming family, daddy suffolkfoodie pulled the tree upright with his tractor and tied it back into position. It survived!  I have picked over 20kgs of fruit and made some into jam. Here is the recipe. I used jam sugar with added pectin as mulberries are low in pectin.  I added plenty of red, unripe fruits to improve the setting, as the red fruit have higher pectin levels.

    1kg Mulberries and 1kg of Jam Sugar

    Rinse the mulberries carefully and quickly so as not to lose too much juice. Put into a large saucepan and simmer until soft. Stir in the sugar ensuring that it all dissolves.  Boil hard until setting point is reached.  (Setting point can be tested by dropping some cooked jam onto a saucer which has been chilled in the freezer, a skin will form on top of the jam when setting point is achieved)

    Warm some clean jars in the oven, bottle and store.

    mulberry jam

    Thursday, 27 January 2011 17:58


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    Everyone around me is making marmalade but I have never liked it, so here are some pictures - you’ll have to find your own recipes.

    .marmalade_jar             Mallorca__51

    Sunday, 18 July 2010 09:03

    Jam is easy!

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    Look at my produce! I thought jam was a hassle (thermometers, muslin, big aluminium or not pans, rolling boils, saucers of cold water...) until I discovered the sugars with pectin in and now there's no stopping me. This week bought kilo bags of two types of the sugar (one for soft fruit jam, one for fruit with stones) Then got just over a kilo of apricots first, made that one in an hour. Then bought raspberries, made that one in half an hour. Will make one more lot from wild bullis plums later as these are my real favourites and just fall off the trees into my open carrier bag!

    These are the plums, the ones that are dropping from the trees all over our roads at the moment and  no one picks up. I am about to make some more jam which is fab for breakfast mixed into plain Greek yoghurt, instead of buying those horrible flavoured ones. This is especially good timing because my free sample of Total yoghurt is going to be delivered tomorrow! I am planning to do this jam -making in my Veuve Cliquot apron.